Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Momma Bear"

Every parent dreads a call from the Principal's office. I received my first today. Joshua had been in an altercation at lunch and was punched in the stomach by another kid. Thankfully Joshua was not in any trouble. However I was thankful for the phone call. I saw it as an opportunity to inquire about the progress of Joshua's testing.

Over the passed month we have heard little from the school and with each passing week I grow more weary. The Principal answered as many questions he could and then transferred me to the school social worker. The social worker gets on the phone and says, "good news, I have received Josh's file and we can set up an appointment to start the process." I thought to myself....."good news???? Start the process???? We haven't even started yet???" I feel like I am trying to navigate through a dark alley with very little sense of direction.  As I began to ask more questions and realized that there is only 40 school days left and legally they have 60 to complete the testing, my emotions began to rise!! You mean to tell me we could begin this process and not complete it until August or September??!! This was first mentioned to me in October??? And I began to feel like a Momma Bear defending her cub!!! Grrrrr! So, frustrated, so helpless. Not really wanting to be mean but, not knowing what to do. 

As I recounted the earlier phone conversations to my husband tonight, I remember what I had studied this of the lines in my devotion said "You have God on your side so what are you worried about."  I began to have a renewed sense of peace. God knows Josh better than I or any educator at the school. He knows what timing is best. He is in control. I do not have to turn into "Momma Bear" to defend Josh.

I still have questions about the process and even have reservations about beginning the official testing this school year. God has abundantly surrounded us with people who have more knowledge and experience with this process than Jason and I do. The Bible says in His time. So, now I am asking God to help us make the right decisions for Josh.

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