Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lesson Learned!!

If you have read my profile you know that I am a nurse. Not just a nurse, but a nurse in a Urology office. You can imagine what topics of conversations come up on a daily basis!! There are words I write in a chart I never imagined I would be writing, let alone SEVERAL times a day!! So, that being said, you may understand why my judgement on appropriateness may be off balance.

The other night while I was making and feeding the kids dinner, I had the TV on in the kitchen. I was watching "Untold Stories of the ER".  Being the nurse that I am, I found it very intriguing......the kids not so much. Emma and Josh were watching it with me. They seemed to get a little squeamish when the actor collapsed on the floor and had a seizure. I assured them that all the cases had a happy ending and they always found out what was wrong with the patient and helped them get better. I assure you there was no blood and gore....just real life "rare" cases......

One of the cases that was on that episode was a man that was lying on the gurney randomly screaming. His eyes were open, vitals stable, but not verbally responding. The ER staff was getting ready to call a Psych eval. When one of the nurses leaned in closer she noticed something in the man's ear. It was a large cockroach that was biting his eardrum. Once the bug was removed the man was completely back to normal. Hence the happy ending..... There was no blood and guts, no foul language no "mature content", so I didn't think it was a big deal.
Fast forward a few hour.....Jason and I are sitting in the living room watching TV; the kids had been in bed for a couple of hours. Emma comes down stairs crying, wild eyed, not really awake or answering questions, just scared and crying. I thought maybe she was sleep walking again because she had to go to the bathroom. I helped her back to bed and she woke up and asked me about the man with the bug in his ear. She asked if that could happen to her. I reassured her that we did not have roaches in our house and that God would protect her. I rubbed her back, prayed over her and sang a couple of praise songs. She quieted down and fell back to sleep. About 45 minutes later Emma got up again standing next to her bed, wildly swinging her blankey, hitting her bed "to get rid of the bugs!"

OOPS!! Guess my "appropriate gage" was off. I felt horrible. Maybe not such a good idea to watch "Untold Stories of the ER" with my kids.....Her poor little mind kept focusing on that bug!  I learned my lesson! I will not do that again!!!

The next day I could not help but think of how powerful our minds are. Everything we do each day originates in our minds. Sometimes all the things running through our minds keeps us up all night.  The Bible tells us "whatever is true, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- THINK about such things......And the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8, 9

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