Saturday, May 21, 2011

Meaningless or Meaningfull.....

So, I used to think that I worked best under stress.....well these days I feel like I crumble under stress....and the last few months have been STRESSFUL!! And this week has been no exception. We have spent the past week preparing for a much needed vacation as well as try to maintain the rest of our life obligations i.e. work, school, ballgames/ practice etc........

I am a detail person, so as vacation approached I was focused on ALL the details. Thanks to my parents timeshare we have a full kitchen in our room so, we decided to eat most of our meals in the room. All week I have been focused on menu/ meal planning, grocery shopping, trying to keep up on the laundry, and the list goes on.

I woke up Friday morning ready to take on the day!! All the groceries had been purchased, laundry was pretty well under control. I thought I had it licked, it was smooth sailing from here right? WRONG!! I don't know about you, but I cannot leave for vacation with a dirty house, so before I could pack I had to clean my house. 

I felt like I was moving right along. Kitchen and bathroom had been scrubbed and mopped. Now I was moving on to the living room and dining room when Jake comes around the corner with his pants around his ankles and a huge, I mean HUGE!!  wad of toilet paper in his arms!! He had unrolled the ENTIRE roll of toilet paper (I had just put on the holder) and was carrying it into the kitchen. And I am not talking about a regular roll of toilet paper, it was a DOUBLE roll!!! I could not believe my eyes.....and still don't understand what he was thinking. I stood there and re rolled the entire roll. Then, I gave him a five min tutorial on the four square count. 

About 8 hours later I am still trying to finish last minute things in the house and pack for a family of 6 for a seven day trip. At this point I am in frantic mode!! I have asked about 50 times for the kids to find their Nintendo DS's, Leapsters, and sunglasses. No one seems to care as much as I do that they have these things! Their rooms still look like a tornado had went through it, and all I want to do is crawl in bed and wait for the "cleaning fairy" to show up over night! At this point everyone in the house knows mom has had it!!!

Josh says to me, "Mom, why do always get so grumpy when you are stressed out?" Ouch! I knew he was right. My focus had been totally in the wrong direction and I was drained of all energy and no good to anyone at that point. 

Ecclesiastes 1:2 says "Meaningless, Meaningless! says the Teacher. Utterly meaningless!" focus had been on the meaningless! Did it really matter that my house was not up to spec when we left? Did it really matter if the kids found their games?? What really mattered was that my family felt my love for them. A reflection of God's love! My focus was on the the meaningless yesterday.......I am working to keep my focus on the meaningful this week!

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