Thursday, April 7, 2011

Baseball season has begun!!

Last night was the beginning of a very busy season of the season!! I love it!! When we first move here people told us this was "a baseball town". We had NO idea what we were getting into! 

 We were amazed by the facilities they have for little league....even T-ball. They have complete complexes for each league....t-ball, Jr baseball, Cal Ripken, and girl's softball. Then I think it is Legion...(not too sure about all the leagues yet) Each complex is complete with four fields equipped with score boards, bleachers, dugouts and indoor bathrooms (with running water!) A full concession stand and a press box! We had never seen anything like it for "Little League"!

Josh's first season, he was 7 and played coach pitch. The beginning of the season Jason and I just kind of sat back and watched all the other parents in amazement. It was pretty competitive for 7 year olds. We called our family back home and said "you would not believe this...they keep track of the score, outs, even have a list of official "coach pitch rules"! There is tournaments with brackets and everything!" I vowed not to be a "crazy" baseball parent.

By the end of the season, we (Josh's team) were down to the last 2 games of the tournament to win the City Championship for Coach Pitch. Josh made a huge catch in the outfield for a critical 3rd out!!! I am now a "crazy" baseball parent!!! And LOVE it!!

Last year he was our church sponsored team and his coach was a church member. They invited families from the church to come and watch the games. I always hoped that many didn't come because I didn't want them to see me at the games. I couldn't sit still and definitely was not quiet!!

This year Josh moved up to Kid Pitch and last night was his first practice on his new team. Last year he had several friends on his team. This year he really doesn't know too many of his team mates.

Last night Josh was in the shower, I was in the bathroom picking up the other kids clothes off the floor and he started sharing with me about practice. He said, "mom, do you think I am good at baseball?" I said, "yes, Daddy says you are really improving on throwing to the infield." Then he says, "Mom there are kids on the team that are REALLY good at baseball." I told him that God made each of us differently but we all have strengths, for some people sports are their strength, for others it may be reading. I told him that it was OK not to be the "best" at everything and he was good at things too. I told him that one of his strengths was people...He is very good at relationships and caring for others, reading others emotions and interacting. He has very good social skills.

He started thinking about that and carried it a step further....he began to look at all those around him and name their strengths. He said, "like this kid in my class, he is great with computers, and Sam and Ian are good at Yugioh cards, and London is good at being funny and making people laugh..."

I began to really think about what Josh started doing. Instead of comparing himself to those around him, he began to see them for their individual strengths. What if I started trying to be intentional about looking at other's strenghts instead of their faults, or "the thing that drives me crazy about them"? Focusing on the "gifts" that God gave them. My prayer today is that God would give me eyes to see the strengths in others instead of their faults.

I am always so thankful when God uses my kids to teach me life lessons!

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